Special thank you
A special thank you: to my daughter for the new banner at the top of my blog. I love it.
What I’m reading with her: How to say NO and keep your friends – peer pressure reversal for teens and preteens by Sharon Scott.
Check it out
Three best kept secrets about writing the Analysis Chapter:
1.Make it transparent - that means every time I use a quote from my interviews I should reference it eg Case 004, lines 72-88, theme 2, code 202.1. I wasn’t doing this correctly because I kept changing my codes. This is important because it gives the reader the chance to make validity checks of my interpretations against the data itself.
2. Make it persuasive - that means give plenty excerpts, quotes and phrases from my data source. I’m good at this one because I like telling other people’s stories from their point of view.
3. Make the persuasive argument sound plausible – that means be careful not to move the interpretation too far from the data. Sometimes the interviews just show up ordinary mundane things that everyone already knows and the researcher is tempted to find in them something a bit more way out.
Motto for the day: There is never only one right story, but your story has to be believable.
Hey Madi ... looks like you got some spam !!!
Hope you and "T" are doing well. Your banner looks gorgeous ... she has done a wonderful job with it.
Take care, Meow :-)
meow thanks. I'll see you Friday night at German School.
Look at my spam - I could just buy my uni degree and live a long and happy life instead of all this suffering. It's tempting.
The banner is excellent. So sparkly!
I'd love to hear some examples from your reserach, but I suppose I'll have to wait a year or two.
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