Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Published at last

My book’s been published.
This calls for a celebration.
I wish I could write more books. I’d like to specialise in biographies and write extraordinary stories of ordinary people.
Don't even think about it. First I have to finish my thesis.

I’ve just reviewed someone else’s new book: My son the Messiah by R. B. McSwain. It's a touchy subject. I would never attempt something like this. Still, religious fantasy has become a rather popular literary genre.
I knew he was writing but I didn’t know he was so prolific.
Check this publisher:
Blue Crane Press


At 10:37 am, Blogger Michelle said...

Congratulations!! If i were there we'd celebrate!!

At 2:24 pm, Blogger Michelle said...

Madi, if you ditch the photo that never opened on here then your side bar will come back up to the top :)

At 6:14 pm, Blogger . said...

OK I did what you suggested. So now what? I think I need a free blogging-set-up-tutorial from the great northern blog-master.

At 7:19 am, Blogger Michelle said...

Hey it worked! LOL my nephew (the grand master) would be impressed (whilst also telling me how basic it is!) LOL

You tell me what you want to put on here and i will do my best to help you out.

At 5:53 pm, Blogger The Dreamless Nomad said...

Hey Madi,

Congratulations ! Keep up the good work. Must be very proud to have your book published finally!


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