Monday, May 23, 2005

Good news-Bad news

The phone call: I've just been commissioned to write another biography. Big smile on my face. Great boost for my self-esteem.

The good news: The first book I wrote is to be published soon. Writing is what I love doing. Writing the extraordinary life stories of ordinary people is what I love to do even more. I can't wait to start.

The bad news: I'm still writing chapters for my thesis. I'm bogged down, drowning in journal articles, strangled by the high-brow expectations of academia. No time to start on another job or I'll jeopardise my studies. I've struggled for so long with my thesis-writing.

My dilemma: My hands are in shackles. Do I want to have an academic qual that I might never use or be a biographer? Should I follow my heart or my head.

My bank account: Empty. I could do with some pocket money.

The consequences: My motto in life is to follow the rational path. Ignore the pull of the heart strings and get back to my academic chapter writing. Defy all distractions. Remain single-minded. Feel the pain and deal with it. Persevere with the thesis. Maybe the job offer will act as a carrot to motivate me through my studies.

I just hope my patron has a long and healtly life and can wait for me.


At 4:08 pm, Blogger Michelle said...

Do both!

At 8:48 pm, Blogger . said...

Michelle I tried doing both with my last book and ended up missing all my thesis deadlines. I can't risk that again or they'll kick me out.
I will do both, one after the other if all parties concerned can put up with me long enough.
I've got several hundred dollars in overdue library fines too.

At 10:39 am, Blogger Michelle said...

Geez your lucky. We don't get fined financially, we get "day,weekley,monthly" loan penalties. If your one day late, then your not allowed to borrow for 2 days....if yor a week late, no borrowing for 2 weeks LOL then they acrew.
By the sounds of it you wouldn't be able to borrow under our system for 2 years LOL


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