Monday, May 23, 2005

Who's writing this stuff?

Progress: Twenty pages of great stuff until I re-read it the next morning and decided to rewrite the first fifteen.

Physical state: Tight shoulders and neck from too many hours at the computer.

Distractions: Someone is playing Green Day in the background and I can’t consciously form a sentence without my brain going dyslexic.

Drinks: I’m in self-indulgent mode onto Cafe-Mocha.

Food: What’s that? The occasional chocolate feeds the brain and calms the nerves.

Music via headphones to block out the rest: Violin concertos by Joshua Bell who played behind-the-scenes for that cute guy in Ladies in Lavender.

Breakthrough: All family members are co-operating. I have no more excuses, no-one to blame. Just finish that chapter.

What to include in my chapter: Scrap the plans, ditch the outline. I’m in intuitive mode. My hands are frantically typing words on the keyboard as if they are not connected to me. My eyes read fabulous paragraphs as they appear from almost nowhere on the monitor in front of me. Who’s writing this stuff? It’s really good.


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