Thursday, April 21, 2005

Lit Review chapter

My writing task: At least its flowing. I’m reviewing all academic literature on survival strategies, assimilation and adaptation of immigrants in the context of visible and invisible communities. What makes an immigrant community go ‘underground’? What are their survival strategies? How do they sustain their continuity? It’s OK, I’m getting there.

My drink: A potent cup of hot chocolate, cinnamon, ground cloves and a pinch of cayenne pepper to give me the kick I need.

My background music: a violin sonata by Secret Garden to release my creative alpha and beta brain waves.

My desk: Open books, pages, papers, my scribbling piled high in utter chaos, feeding my mind.

My anxieties: worried that my university supervisor will retire before I submit my next two chapters.


At 10:02 pm, Blogger . said...

thanks. I see you like music and cinema. Nice life


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