Thursday, August 25, 2005

Slow down therapy

Today's advice to myself: You will resent less when you rush less. Cut your list of 'have to' jobs in half. And then in half again.

Day job: Slow down therapy.

Current status: A clear mind means I can see things the way they really are. An open heart means being true to myself, not to someone else, like my supervisor.
I look forward to writing today.


At 1:58 pm, Blogger Justine said...

Sounds like a plan! You are so right.

At 4:16 pm, Blogger Michelle said...

Well now, since your so looking forward to it.......can you do mine?!

At 10:46 am, Blogger . said...

OK juicy fruiter. How about you stop chewing gum for a minute and activate your comments box.
As for buying shares. You know the old rule - if you buy the stocks just because you're passionate about the product don't do it.

Justine - nice to have you here.

Michelle - What is it you do you do again? Anyhow stick to your job and I'll stick to mine :-)


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